Reaching out to us is a piece of cake. You can simply drop us an e-mail at or you can fill in the form below. Questions, comments, remarks, feedback, everything is welcome. We try to answer all emails within a few days of receiving them. Our general office hours are between 09:00 CET and 17:00 CET. (from Monday to Friday). If you send us an e-mail during the weekends, or outside of our office hours, it might take us a bit longer to reply.

Using the form below you can request a personalized offer for your custom project. Please try and be as specific as possible to give us a good understanding of what you're looking for. If you have any further questions, please let us know!

ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage is part of Michael de Kooker Audio Productions | Ooltgensplaat, Netherlands
Kvk / Chamber of Commerce: 27353776 0000 | BTW / VAT: NL001798791B60

We have
Years of experience

More Than
Happy Clients

Tracks on BeatPort

Over the last year we drank
Cups of tea

Quotation Contact Form

In order to give you an estimate of our pricing, we would first need to get a clear view of what you’re looking for exactly. Could you please provide us with the following information?

Please enter your name.
Please enter your artist name.
Please enter your e-mail address.
Please select the subject of why you're contacting us. If this isn't in the list, please select 'other'.
Please provide us with a detailed description of what you're looking for exactly.

(A description of what you have in mind would help immensely)

Please provide us with a detailed description of what you're looking for exactly.

Could be full tracks or part of tracks, even separate sounds or atmospheres. Preferably including a small description on what you like about the reference in particular)

(A mastered track is completely ready-to-use. To play out, or to sell through download portals)

Using analog equipment during mastering will give the master an overall warmer and more pleasant tonal quality.

Using analog equipment during mastering will give the master an overall warmer and more pleasant tonal quality.

For possible future remixers / labels or to use yourself

Custom vocals offer a higher quality, tailor-made to your track, but can be pricey. Sample pack vocals are at no additional cost; but there is always the risk others are using the same vocals in their songs. With an instrumental track you can always decide at a later stage.